Friday, April 1, 2016

Growable ores mod for Mcpe 0.14.0

This is a mod that I made this mod adds some seeds to grow an ore.No need to wait a long time to grow an ore ,
just have to wait a little while and ore grows. 


Destroy the organic ore and bring it into the Furnace

 if you do not like to wait try comment / magic potion, if you do not like to wait. magic potions ore can grow anything you want, try to use this to one ore stem

and the itemId : 

magic potion coal = 1000

magic potion iron = 1001

magic potion gold = 1002

magic potion redstone = 1003

magic potion lapis lazuli = 1004

magic potion emerald = 1005

magic potion diamond = 1006

coal seed = 1007 

iron seed = 1008

gold seed = 1009

redstone seed = 1010

lapis lazuli seed = 1011

diamond seed = 1012

emerald seed = 1013


guide , youtube :

Ok,  that is all of the item id and this is link the mod : 

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