Sunday, October 2, 2016

Inferno Skeleton Mod V2

Mod ini menambahkan 3 mobs baru dan skeleton horse yang diperkuat lagi. Dan jugabeberapa fitur lainnya seperti weapon (senjata) dan tool (peralatan)

What's new in V2 ?
-Inferno Skeleton Menjadi 50 health
-Hell Knight
-Powerfull Skeleton Horse

Removed :
Untuk menghilangkan bug

Screenshot :

Link Mod : »Click Here«

Monday, June 27, 2016

Minecraft PE (Pocket Edition) 0.15.1 full released !!

What's new in ?
-bug fixed
-use celluler data

Link : »»Click here««

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Minecraft PE 0.15.0 Beta Released

Minecraft pe 0.15.0 Beta released !!

Add :

mob :

block :
Observer block

item :
Arrow potion
Leather armor horse and armor horse
raw mutton and cooked mutton

feature :
Ride pig
Skeleton run just like pc !!
And more !!

And New gui !!

Link :

Monday, May 30, 2016

Ender Pearl mod for mcpe 0.14.3/0.15.0

Hello Crafters !!

bersama saya lagi ElvanJ dan sekarang bisa kalian lihat saya berhasil membuat mod baru bernama Ender Pearl mod. Mod ini sangat mirip dengan ender pearl yg ada di Minecraft Pc


Hello Crafters !!
With me again ElvanJ and now you see I managed to make a new mod named Ender Pearl mod.
Mod is very similar to ender pearl imaginable in Minecraft Pc.

link :> click here <

Friday, May 27, 2016

Hello Crafters !!
Sekarang saya merilis mod baru bernama Mythical horse mod . Di dalamnya terdapat 4 horse yg berbeda beda.

dan juga penyempurnaan untuk ender horse. Tapi maaf sebelumnya karena ender horse tidak dapat teleport :(.


Saturday, May 21, 2016

Hallo Crafters !!
maaf soal skeleto horse mod nya . soalnya saya kehabisan waktu untuk membuat ini dan selalu ada bug. tapi sekarang sudah selesai . Tapi mod ini hanya mod skeleton horse karena tidak bisa dimasukkan kedalam mod inferno skeleton. :D

Jadi saya buat modnya terpisah.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Inferno Skeleton Mod

Hai Crafters !!
Maaf modnya dirilis agak terlambat , tapi modnya keren kok :v
disini saya membuat 2 skeleton yang darahmya 100 :v tapi senjatanya gak kalah kuatnya B)

Mobs :  
- Lightning Skeleton ; health : 100
                                 drop   : Lightning spawner 
                                             lightning bone 
                                             Lightning skeleton particle
- Inferno Skeleton ; health : 100
                              drop   : Inferno bone
                                          Inferno skeleton Eye

Weapon : Iferno skeleton Sword 
                Lightning Skeleton Sword
               Inferno Bow
               Thunder bow

Friday, May 13, 2016

Ultimate Legacy weapon and Tool V3

Hai Crafters !
Sekarang besama saya lagi memberitahukan mod yang telah di perbaharui. Mod ini sekarang menambahkan 3 pedang , dan obsidian tool dengan ender pearlnya. Dan perubahan Skill dari Thunder Hammer.

Hi Crafters!

Now meet me again tell mod has been updated. This mod is now adding three swords, and obsidian tools with pearlnya ender. And changes of the Thunder Hammer Skill.

Link :

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Ender Pearl
Now avaible in Mcpe !!!

note; You cant use to make end portal , just teleport.

link :

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Ghost armor golems mod !!!!

Hai Crafters !!
Mod baru bernama Ghost armor golems ini menambahkan 4 ghost armor yang terdiri atas diamon armor, gold armor, iron armor, dan stone armor :v. Mereka dapat dihidupkan dengan membuat dua block ke atas dan memekul bagian bawah menggunakan " PAPER Of Awakening" .

Hi Crafters !! New mod named Ghost armor golems added 4 ghost armor consisting of diamon armor , armor gold , iron armor and armor stone :v . They can be turned on by making two blocks to the top and hit the bottom using the " PAPER Of Awakening" .

Link : >Click here<

Friday, May 6, 2016

Ore Plants Mod

 Ore Plants mod (Farm)

Hello Crafters !
sekarang saya akan memperlihatkan mod buatan saya yang baru yaitu Ore Plants mod (farm)
mod ini hampir sama dengan mod farm yang lainnya yang berbeda adalah ketika kita hit / mengambil pecahan ore dari pohon ini ( ore piece ) pohon akan bisa tumbuh kembali !!

Hello Crafters!

Now I'll show you my new artificial mod namely Ore Plants mod (farm)

This mod is almost the same as the other farm 
mod ,  the different is when we hit / take a piece of ore from this tree (ore piece) of trees will grow back !!

 Recipe : 

Link :

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Ghast bow mod. Ini adalah mod yang menambahkan 3 busur dan 3 bola api yang memiliki kekuatan yang berbeda. Cara membuatnya sangat mudah. Pertama dan tentu kita harus memiliki Ghast air mata.

Creator: ElvanJ

Cara menggunakan busur?
jika Anda memegang busur dan juga memiliki bola api, tekan tombol di sisi kanan layar, maka busur akan menembak.

Ghast bow and fireball IDs
  • Fireball (911)
  • Mega Fireball(912
  • Epic Fireball

  • Ghast bow (924)
  • Reinforced Ghast bow (929)
  • Epic FIre Ghast    

 Link :

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Wyverns Mod for Minecraft pe 0.14.0/0.14.1

The Wyverns Mod adds a new dragon like creature to the Nether. It is hostile and very dangerous but when slain there’s a chance it might drop an egg which you can use to hatch your own wyvern. The wyvern can then be used as a flying mount. They exist in six different colors. The black and white ones are the best as they are stronger, faster and they will also give its a rider a night vision effect.


The wyverns are hostile mobs spawning in the Nether. You will have to slay these creatures in order to obtain some eggs which will be used to hatch your own wyvern.

To go to the Nether use a Nether Portal. Build the structure with 14 obsidian blocks and then use a flint and steel on the two bottom blocks to activate the portal.


Make sure difficulty is set to max otherwise the wyverns won’t appear.

As they are flying you might need a bow to kill them. The eggs are quite rare so it might take several kills before finally getting one.


Now when you’ve got the egg use the Nether portal to return to the Overworld to hatch the egg. Place down the egg preferably in a fenced area and wait for it to hatch.


For me it took 3 minutes for the egg to hatch. It’s still not full grown and requires some more time to grow to its full size.



Once it has grown up you can place a normal saddle on the back of the creature to ride it. Press the jump button to get off. To ride it again tap on it with an empty hand.

  • Saddle (329) – 3 leathers + 2 iron ingots

wyverns-5 wyverns-7

There are six different colored wyverns. If you manage to get a black or white wyvern you will get night vision effect when riding them. They are also faster and stronger.


If your wyvern gets hurt tap on it with some raw fish to heal it.


Item IDs & Crafting Recipes

All items can be obtained in the creative inventory. Remember to set the difficulty to max to make sure that the wyverns can spawn (as they are hostile mobs).

  • Saddle (329) – 3 leathers + 2 iron ingots

  • Wyvern Spawn Egg (2899)

  • Red Wyvern Egg (2898)

  • Blue Wyvern Egg (2897)

  • Green Wyvern Egg (2896)

  • Yellow Wyvern Egg (2895)

  • White Wyvern Egg (2894)

  • Black Wyvern Egg (2893)

 Link :

Friday, April 8, 2016

MInecraft pe 0.14.1 Release !

menambahkan :
- skin story mode
- fix bugs

yah mungkin ini sedikit membantu untuk kalian jangan lupa like dan comment , OK 

link :

thanks for :

Friday, April 1, 2016

Growable ores mod for Mcpe 0.14.0

This is a mod that I made this mod adds some seeds to grow an ore.No need to wait a long time to grow an ore ,
just have to wait a little while and ore grows. 


Destroy the organic ore and bring it into the Furnace

 if you do not like to wait try comment / magic potion, if you do not like to wait. magic potions ore can grow anything you want, try to use this to one ore stem

and the itemId : 

magic potion coal = 1000

magic potion iron = 1001

magic potion gold = 1002

magic potion redstone = 1003

magic potion lapis lazuli = 1004

magic potion emerald = 1005

magic potion diamond = 1006

coal seed = 1007 

iron seed = 1008

gold seed = 1009

redstone seed = 1010

lapis lazuli seed = 1011

diamond seed = 1012

emerald seed = 1013


guide , youtube :

Ok,  that is all of the item id and this is link the mod : 

MCPE 0.15.0 FAKE

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